How To Connect Google/Gsuite Accounts to Instantly

Here is the step-by-step guide on how to self-connect your Google Workspace email to Instantly AI. I took screenshots at each step while working, so just follow the guide and screenshots, and you can do this on your own.

If you miss any point, Instantly AI may remove your email. So, be careful about it. If you need any help setting up properly, please contact me.

Email Accounts > Add New

How To Connect Google/Gsuite Accounts to Instantly

Connect a new email account

How To Connect Google/Gsuite Accounts to Instantly

Enable IMAP access

Go to Gmail > Settings >

How To Connect Google/Gsuite Accounts to Instantly

Forwarding and POP/IMAP > IMAP access: > Enable IMAP

How To Connect Google/Gsuite Accounts to Instantly

Back to instantly and hit Yes.

How To Connect Google/Gsuite Accounts to Instantly

Option-1: cold email setup
How do I connect to Google Workspace?

Then go to the google workspace. Security > API Controls > App Access Control cold email setup Oauth App name or client ID

Copy the code from instantly and search on google workspace

How To Connect Google Workspace To
How To Connect Google Workspace To
How To Connect Google Workspace To
How To Connect Google Workspace To
How To Connect Google Workspace To
How To Connect Google Workspace To
How To Connect Google Workspace To

Then go back to instantly email login page, login email using same browser and hit login.

How To Connect Google Workspace To
How To Connect Google Workspace To
How To Connect Google Workspace To

Now the email is added to instantly. and then active warmup by clicking this.

How To Connect Google Workspace To

You May Check: Step-by-Step Guide: Setting Up DMARC, SPF, and DKIM for Email in Namecheap and Google Workspace